Online Reviews and Your Business

More people and businesses are using online reviews to make purchase decisions and a bad review can mean the difference between whether they do business with you or not. It is safe to say that a positive online presence holds advantages for your business. But what are some ways to garner a good online footprint?

Build Social Proof

Take note of who your loyal customers are and ask via email if they can leave a review about their experience with your business, and why they would be willing to recommend you to others.

Let them know where they can leave their review – aim for a multi-channel presence, for example, reviews can be left on Google, Facebook, or industry-specific sites. Guide them and make it as easy as possible for your brand advocates to shout from the rooftops about why they love you!

When you email your customers, take good note of the email subject line, for example, you can offer an incentive to encourage opens, and state your business name clearly so they feel safe to open your email. In the body of the email you can let them know that by helping you, you will be able to provide them with even better service in the future as your business continues to grow.

Valuable Content

The more valuable the content that you can develop for your online presence, the better. Google will rank you higher if you showcase to be an authoritative thought leader in your industry space. Seek to develop content that search engines value highly. Look into all aspects of SEO best practice, including increasing backlinks.

Communicate Regularly

You should aim to respond to online reviews (both good and bad) on a daily basis, or ideally, several times a day. Thank people for taking the time to leave a good review. Conversely, respond to complaints quickly to show that you value constructive feedback and value the mark that your business makes.


Online reputation is everything. Remember, one negative review can negate multiple good reviews. Aim to increase your trust level online today with the above tips.


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